Biceps recruitment with lat pulldowns
The little-known lat pulldown with a pronated grip is used for its major recruitment of the latissimus dorsi. One if its variations, the lat pulldo...
I am very fortunate, as the ATP product educator, to have the opportunity to teach people about the key features and benefits of the full ATP line....
Is your diet giving you all that you need?
Diet, along with lifestyle habits, is thought to have the greatest effect on health. Unfortunately, some people think that eating well and being he...
Iron levels: Less isn’t always more
Did you know that women who still have their period are 50% less likely to die from heart disease than men or menopausal women?
A mega-study...
Optimal Health and Aging - 1
It’s important for everyone reading this to realize that I can only write this article from my particular perspective. Having said that, my perspec...
My top 5 strategies to Heal Blood Sugar Issues
When we think of blood sugar, we commonly associate it with diabetes and the need for insulin. While blood sugar does play a central role in managi...
Vitamin D: Needed or Overused?
Vitamin D has been a hot topic for years and it is no coincidence. According to a variety of research, this vitamin, once metabolized, has a wide r...
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ATP's New Zealand Whey Matrix blend
NzW: This unique pharmaceutical blend brings together the quality and taste of a unique whey protein.
Being Overweight Is Not Just About Food
Obesity is a growing problem worldwide. The North American lifestyle is almost like a ticket to obesity! Luckily, some experts are taking action an...
Fat Loss and Hormones: 1
New Year’s is a time when people make resolutions, when they promise themselves to improve their lifestyle. Year after year, many sadly fail in the...
Detox and Health 1: Intro Guide to Liver Detoxification
Detox has become a household word in the health and wellness industry. People undertake a variety of detox measures to improve energy levels, aid w...