Your FISH OIL is important when facing COVID
Research shows people with a high omega-3 index less are likely to die from COVID-19.Researchers with the Fatty Acid Research Institute (FARI) and ...

The single most important goal in fitness and health should be…
The single most important goal in fitness and health should be… Gaining muscle.
Being scared of gaining muscle is like not using your car because y...

Lockdown Blues ? Here's how to fix your dopamine
Dopamine is known as the feel good neurotransmitter. The brain releases it when we eat food that we crave (including less than healthy foods and al...

3 supplements to create workout pump beyond anything you've experienced
Clearly, pump workouts tend to be for those pursuing hypertrophy/muscularity or rehabbing joints that need the nutrient feed and a break on the co...

The EAA / BCAA paradox
Here is an article that explains well and quickly the difference between EAAs and BCAAs.
BCAAs are your friends when you are in severe calorie res...

10 tips to speed up fat loss
1. Eat moreIt truly goes against popular belief, but I rarely come across someone that can manage to eat enough calories, good calories, to balance...

Making your Citrulline work for your pump!
I've mentioned this before in previous articles but it appoints that can't be driven home enough. If your goal is strength and CNS stimulation, you...

Titanium abs
Forget abs of steel, titanium is way more superior. Its most useful property is the strength to density ratio which is exactly how you should view ...

Getting enough protein while quarantined
We often forget the importance of protein. From helping our mood and outlook via neurotransmitter support to immune health and cosmetic appearance-...
Comment se protéger des ondes électromagnétiques - Partie 2 (French Only)
Dans la première partie de cette série de deux articles qui est ici : partie 1, nous avons exploré les possibles dangers des ondes électromagnétiqu...

When our get up and go has got up and gone
The COVID lockdown has drained all. That's a given. Everything from sleep patterns to daily regimes is off and it's clearly taking a toll on all. W...

Health First - Interview with Vincent Comtois
Supplier of professional and university athletes, ATP Lab designs supplements that meet all the requirements from the community in terms of cert...