Question of the week: Should I start my workout with cardio or just go straight to my weightlifting program?
There is a big misconception about how to warmup. The act of “warming up” means literally to warm up your body. Pulling a sweat. The problem is tha...

Question of the week After 20+ years of training, what should be the major changes in your workout routine?
1. Volume
The honeymoon is over. Although there is a lot of variables that can get in the way such as work, kids, injuries, goals, etc. Getting res...

Strength training for injury prevention
It might sound counterintuitive to many but getting stronger and the type of training you do will have a great impact on injury prevention in diffe...

How to plan the best week for your results
1. Write down a list of tasks for each goal.
Example: GOAL: I need to burn fat
TASKS: - Cook meals Sunday night
- Work out Monday, Tuesday, Thurs...